North Coast Natural Therapies  


Allan Wilton



Complementry Therapies

Pets & Bowen

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Hypercal Cream

A scarless wound healing cream with the antiseptic qualities of Calendula and the healing powers of St John's Wort.

Hypercal has proven to be effective on a wide range of skin problems from cuts and grazes to eczema and acne.

Made with sun infused Calendula oil and sun infused St John's Wort oil (both infusions in extra virgin olive oil) using organically grown Calendula and wild crafted St John's Wort

Hypericum oil

Pure sun infused St John's Wort oil.

The ultimate healing oil for cuts. Can be applied directly to broken skin for rapid healing. Can assist with nerve repair and the healing of tendon damage.

Himalayan salt

Otherwise known as pink gold this is pure crystal salt mined in Pakistan. It contains 84 trace elements in a form identical to those found in a healthy body. Himalayan salt is over 250 million years old. It is the purest salt available and is free of any toxins or pollutants

Calendula oil

Pure sun infused Calendula oil

The ultimate healing oil for chapped and abraded skin. Effective for rashes and most skin irritati

Cell Food

is a cell-oxygenating,ionic formula containing dissolved oxygen, 78 ionic trace minerals , 34 enzymes,17 amio acids and electrolytes.Its made from only the fimest all natural, plant based sources and is rapidly absorbed and utilised by every cell in the human body.

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